Monday, August 29, 2005

Tip #15 - Portion Control

Portion control is probably the hardest part about losing weight. You are eating the right foods, yet you are still over weight. This is most likely because you are eating too much. There are a couple of ways to help control how much food you are eating. First of all, look back at your food diaries for how much of each food you ate. Also, stop taking seconds; eat what is on your plate and that is your meal. Another portion problem is created by eating meals family style, with huge containers of food sitting at the table ready to be eaten. Instead, serve each person from the kitchen so it is much harder to eat more food. Finally, use smaller plates, this way you will not be able to fit as much food on your plate and will be forced to eat less. Sometimes it is not what you eat, but how much that is preventing weight loss.


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