Thursday, September 22, 2005

Tip #29 - No Trans Fat

One of the main reasons why junk food is so bad for you is the fact that they contain trans fats. Trans fat shows up as partially hydrogenated fat on the ingredient list of most foods. Trans fats originated during the no fat era of weight loss. A common example of a partially hydrogenated fat is margarine. Trans fats are lower in fat than normal sources of fat but are much worse for the body. While trans fats will not necessarily hurt your weight loss, they will hinder your ultimate goal of having a healthy and nutritious diet. Most companies are realizing the harmful effects of trans fats on people and are therefore removing them from their ingredients. Many items at the grocery store contain partially hydrogenated or trans fats. Watch out for these ingredients on the labels of foods you commonly buy. These fats are horrible for your body and should be avoided at all costs, no matter if you are trying to lose weight or just live a healthy life.


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