Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tip # 2 - Goals

It is very important that you set goals before, during, and after your weight loss. Have many different types of goals: long range, short term, easily achieved, slightly unrealistic. Make them specific. My first goal was to lose weight, that is nice, but what qualified as losing weight. I later refined that goal to losing 50 lbs and/or being at a weight healthy for my body. This was the main goal, but I also had little goals along the way:

-I wanted to lose weight every week. I never wanted to come into the dietician’s office having put on pounds.
-I wanted to fit into a smaller pant size. The best feeling in the world is going shopping for new clothes because your old ones fall off your body.
-I wanted to get into some sort of exercise routine that I enjoyed and was good at. I found running, it was incredibly successful for me.
-I wanted to beat my dad in a 5k race, or even be able to run and complete a 5k race for that matter.
-I wanted to be someone other than the fat kid at school. I wanted to have the self-confidence to ask girls out. Trust me, this all comes, but it starts with that first main goal, losing 50 lbs.

All the goals listed above are realistic, but that does not mean I don't have far fetched goals also:

-At first my goal was to run a marathon, but then I spoke to this guy who had run and Iron Man Triathlon and I decided that I had to become an Iron Man too. I'm still working on this one.

Now that is an unrealistic fantasy at this point, but that does not mean I'm not allowed to think about it and try.

The point is that you need goals so that you can achieve them. You need to see yourself succeeding in your weight loss by completing some of your goals. What kept me losing weight, even during the hard times (and there were plenty of those), was the desire to reach and surpass my goals. Just make sure that when setting goals you set all different kinds, weekly, monthly, annually. Be certain that you can achieve some of those goals in order to prove to yourself that you are moving forward in losing weight. Always remember, anything is possible if you believe in yourself you can achieve through all adversity.


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